Wen Slab
I've been working to push on with a number of paintings that were started some time ago and then set aside whilst I tried to find a way to resolve
This is a painting of Wen Slab, a feature on the cliffs of Craig Gogarth, Anglesey in North Wales. It's a famous feature for rock climbers, taken by a number of routes including the classic Dream of White Horses, which starts from near sea level at the bottom right of the view and climbs diagonally to finish at the top left. It's not difficult by climbing standards but it is committing
and wonderfully exposed.
I decided to make this painting having just climbed the route. The weather was perfect and not at all stereo-typically Welsh. That was back in 2009 so it sat as a "problem" painting for several years - couldn't get the feel of the scale and the wildness.
I think it may be finished, but who knows?
Hello Joe. I think we climbed this together many many years ago!! Great memory!
Hi Rosie,
I've not been very diligent about my website and only just picked up your message. You're quite right and it was a wonderful climb. Hope you're still climbing. We should do it again!