A commission in Ramsbury
Last year I was asked to make a painting in Ramsbury, Wiltshire and spent a couple of days around the village drawing and painting in watercolour. My favourite spot was this ford and footbridge on Mill Lane. I loved the rippled water overhung by willow trees and the dappled light breaking through behind the bridge. […]
Open Up Sheffield
I will be taking part in Open Up Sheffield for the first time in May 2023. I promise not to go climbing or walking, however lovely the weather, for the dates of the show - instead I'll be minding my studio, hopeful that many people will turn up to meet me and see my work […]
Wen Slab
I've been working to push on with a number of paintings that were started some time ago and then set aside whilst I tried to find a way to resolveproblems. This is a painting of Wen Slab, a feature on the cliffs of Craig Gogarth, Anglesey in North Wales. It's a famous feature for rock […]